Funding The Klal is a project originated by Claudia Antell to enable charities to receive the benefits of donations of real estate while avoiding the risks.
Fundraisers, do you want to increase your donations by 6x?
Learn how Funding The Klal can help you recieve the cash benefits from donations of real estate while avoiding the risks
Would you like to donate real estate to support your favorite charity?
Learn how to make it easy for your favorite charity to accept your gift.
Learn how to make your funds go farther with maximum tax advantages. Learn how to donate part of the value of your real estate, while retaining as much as you need
Wealth Managers,
Do your clients ask you how they can donate real estate to support their favorite charities?
Find out how to help your clients achieve their charitable goals while gaining the maximum tax advantages.
Learn how your clients’ hard assets can become Assets Under Management through the creation of Donor Advised Funds, benefiting clients, charities, and you!